On the back of the book you can read: "Slavic Bestiary is based on ancient Slavic beliefs, deeply rooted in our culture. It is a collection of fabulous animals and creatures containing brief descriptions of them. To this day were on our language such creatures as the devil, vampire or Ghosts, but what we know about them?"
Slavic Bestiary was my project for Graphic school to get a tittle as a "Graphic Designer". Project appealed to the publisher, and now you can buy it online.
Project for Polish town “Kurnik”. I was ask for draw 17 animals living in Polish forest divided into three groups: mammals, birds and fish.
“Zrujnowana” (which can be translate as a “Colapsed”) is my comic page which I lead from 2013 year. Page is quite popular in Poland, specialy among young audience. Page has a form of a blog and it’s also on Facebook. I'm working with service where you can buy T-shirts with my comic character. Facebook page had around 11 thousand “likes”.
Deer Dream is my Illustration project. It's about girl and her raven. There are no main story line, but all the illustartion tell different events and situations from their life.
Deer dream is published on Facebook page.